Which Cannabis Strains Make You Creative?

For decades, one of the most common questions in cannabis strains contained a hidden—or make that not so hidden—swipe at those who enjoy marijuana:  Doesn’t it make you lazy?  As anyone who relies on cannabis for relief of chronic symptoms and conditions knows, the truth is far more nuanced. While it’s true that some strains […]

How Long Does a Cannabis High Last? It Depends.

Depending on the day, the strain, the format, and your unique physiology—even the most experienced cannabis consumers sometimes consume too much and find themselves wondering: How long is this cannabis high going to last? The duration of your high depends mostly on your tolerance to cannabis (how often you use it) and your chosen method […]

Cannabis for Anxiety: What You Need to Know

Using Cannabis For Anxiety

Does cannabis help with anxiety? That’s a question we hear a great deal at our family of dispensaries, and it’s one we take very seriously. In today’s pressurized and fast-paced world, anxiety is an increasingly common condition. In fact, clinicians believe that more than 30% of Americans will experience an anxiety disorder at some point […]


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